How to manage your team
Form a team with your colleagues and work together
When you sign up to the THEOlive console, you might want to work together with your colleagues on the same account and the same channels. This guide describes how to set this up.
1. Manage your team
1.1 - Access the team
Click on the “My account” button, on the top right-hand corner of the screen and select My Team.
My team in top right-hand corener menu
Here, you will see all the members that are part of your team, and the status for each of them.
Only admins can access the My Team section
The My Team section is only available for admins. If you don’t see the My team button, this means you do not have admin rights at the moment. More information on roles can be found in the below section.
1.2 - Add member
To invite your colleagues, click on the Add member button. Insert the desired email address, choose the role, and then click Add.

An invitation to join your THEOlive console account has now been sent to the email address, containing a link and instructions on how to access the console.
It is also possible to re-send the invitation from the "My team" page, should it be needed. To do this, click on the envelope icon on the side of the account name (see screenshot below). Now, your invited colleagues can access the same console account. Back to the My Team page, you will see the newly invited users:
2. Determining the role of your new team members
Two possible roles are defined in the console: admin and user. Both admin and user team members mostly have access to the same information and can perform the same actions. Key differences between these two roles are as follows:
- Admin members can additionally access the pages related to managing the team and the billing details.
- Admin members can grant or revoke admin access for all other team members, or remove them from the team.
- Admin members can revoke tokens
3. Complete your profile
When invited to a THEOlive team, every team member has access to the My profile page, where they can edit their first name, last name, phone number and change their password. This access is limited to the team member itself. Other users or admin team members cannot see (nor change) the personal info.
Updated over 2 years ago